
Tuesday 19 March 2019

Why does the Earth need an atomsphere

Why does the Earth need an atmosphere?
The Atmosphere is made up gases such as oxygen and Nitrogen that wraps around  
the Earth like a blanket. Our air is made up of 79% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen,
The Earth's has five layers of the atmosphere exosphere, the thermosphere,
the mesosphere, the stratosphere and the troposphere. For example the thermosphere
is the lowest a layer of the atmosphere. And if we never had an Atmosphere we would
die from the sun's atmosphere. As the Thermosphere extends you will come to the

Then it will come to the Mesosphere and extends to 85 kilometers which is 53 miles high.
The temperature goes down to minus 93 degrees celsius so that is why the meteorites burn
up while entering the atmosphere. The Thermosphere just starts above the Mesosphere and
extends 600 kilometers and 372 mile high.

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